Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Walking Shadows Book 2 Chapter 28

He didn’t know where he was. He couldn’t see anything around him. He still vaguely remembered the explosion, the sudden burst of fire and death all around him.

His body ached all over. He tried to move, but his arms and legs refused to work. No matter how hard he willed them up, his very muscles betrayed him.

He sat upon a cold slab of stone. His shirt was gone. His pants as well, he suspected, though he couldn’t really tell with his movement blocked. Goosebumps prickled his flesh.

A light flashed on above him, blinding in its radiance. Garrett Vos’s eyes dilated as he stared up into it.

Stomp tried to see through the light. Though he wasn’t sure how long he spent in the dark, his eyes had thoroughly adjusted to the lack of any light. He saw forms move above him. Two dark human shapes filled his vision.

“Hello, Mister Vos.” The voice was female, almost calm. “We’ve wanted to see you again for a very long time. Our ally above created quite the diversion to bring you here.”

No, Stomp thought. No, not this.

A broad grin came from the other figure. “Mister Vos, you’ve read our legends online. You must know that no one ever truly escapes the Vivisectors.”

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