Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Walking Shadows Book 3 Chapter 19. Melinoe

Melinoe didn’t know why more super-powered freaks wanted her dead. Nor did she really care. But she would be damned if she let them hurt her. Nor would she let them threaten her new livelihood. Her options seemed clear. She needed to escape Lumber Jacks for now and then find a way to end her would be killers.

Her only problem was the man that viewed himself as her rescuer. Keith, Rosa’s police officer friend, was at her side, already pulling her towards the exit. She knew she would face great punishment should she cause more havoc to the mortals, and a dead police officer would certainly fit that category. She couldn’t kill him in order to make her escape. So she would have to get rid of him some other way—or use him to her advantage.

He yelled, “Everyone out!” The crowd was in too much anarchy to really listen. He yanked her to the door. She was strong enough to pull away, but she knew she didn’t need to raise his suspicions about her true nature.

She let him drag her along, his weapon drawn. The club had a no weapons policy—it was posted all over the doors—yet somehow the police office had his. It was something to note for the future.

A spinning figure rushed over them both as they ran. It was the woman assassin. Her outfit looked like something normal for Lumber Jacks, but she brandished a whip covered in thin metal brackets. She threw it outwards and it wrapped with ease around Melinoe’s left arm.

She expected pain, but an almost orgasmic wave shook her body instead. She could only smile at her sudden state of euphoria, even as she watched Keith raise his gun and fire at the woman.

Their attacker twisted away to avoid the shot and the movement yanked Melinoe to the floor. But it also caused the whip to slacken around her wrist. The metal brackets ripped bits of her skin away even as she pulled free of it.

She instantly wanted its touch again. Her arm ached with the pain of the bloody gashes and the ecstasy was gone.

Keith fired twice more, forcing the female assassin to dodge them again. Grabbing her uninjured arm, he yanked Melinoe back to her feet and pulled her towards the front door. She didn’t immediately want to move, still in search of the whip’s touch, but she let herself be brought along by the handsome young officer.

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