Tuesday, November 17, 2015

River City History: Alias the Dragon

The origins of police scientist William Norton remain shrouded in mystery. Before his arrival in River City in early 1944, no record of a William or Bill Norton that fit his description can be found. The name was almost certainly an alias for the mysterious figure, but no amount of research has ever brought any more information about Norton to life. Whatever the secrets of his origins, he quickly found a place as part of the River City Police Department in their laboratory.

But as a police scientist, he seemed to rarely involve himself in cases. Not officially, by any means. Instead Norton worked under the Alias of the Dragon, a deadly crimefighter on the streets of the struggling city. Wearing a skintight piece of red fabric unlike anything in the world and a green cloak that seemed made of some lizard-hide, he was a strange figure in the dark nights of River City. His red bodysuit was impervious to flame, while his green cloak was bulletproof. He carried a strange ray gun that could unleash massive blasts of flame unimagined by the most modern flamethrower designs, dwarfing even modern techniques. Truly the Dragon was a mystery wrapped in an enigma, a figure that not even history seems able to explain fully.

Either as Norton or as the Dragon, he would remain a fixture in River City as Yankee Doodle Jones’s insanity grew. He would become a key player in the coming battle that would threaten to tear the town he now called home to pieces.

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