Thursday, August 20, 2015

River City History: Yankee Doodle Jones

As Andy Stein watched the new being rise and meet his father, a group of Fifth Columnists attacked the facility. Breaking in on the lab, they opened fire. The super-man leaped to the defense of his maker, but it was already too late. Albrecht and Andy Stein both took several hits from submachine gun fire. Albrecht died instantly. His son struggled to the nearest lab table where the serum that ran through the super-man’s veins rested. He drank the remainder of the formula even as he quickly bled out from his wounds.

The new man leaped into action against the traitors. He made short work of them as his bulletproof skin and super-strength made him more than a match for armed killers. He left them broken, bleeding and dying, just like the man that created him.

Andy Stein’s wounds healed quickly as the serum slowly replaced his own bloodstream. He would be the first—and last—human to survive the use of this formula (though distillations or similar formulas would give powers to Black Terror and Doc Strange).

The new creation was the sum of all his parts, but the patriotic fervor of the veterans proved his strongest trait. He declared himself a protector of the freedoms and standards of the American people. He dubbed himself Yankee Doodle after first helping Andy to his feet. When the boy introduced himself, he misheard the boy’s name as Dandy.

Yankee Doodle and Dandy would become the first super-powered agents of a mysterious American spymaster known only as Uncle Sam. He gave the new hero the last name Jones. (Dandy would also operate under the pseudonym Andrew Jones.)

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