Thursday, June 9, 2016

Walking Shadows Book 3 Chapter 23-2

They both fell silent. Rosa looked at her feet, but she felt Sessily’s eyes on her. They seemed to bore into her soul. She knew this woman had seen a lot in her life, but all her fears and worries seemed to fall by the wayside. Her only focus was on Rosa.

She resisted the urge to shiver. She knew if Sessily touched her, she wouldn’t be able to stop it. Something about this woman drew her in. She couldn’t begin to understand how or why, but she knew she needed to break this tension somehow.

“Would you like a tour? It’s not much, but it’s home for me now.”

Sessily smiled as Rosa met her eyes again. “I’d love one.”

As she lead Sessily around the apartment, she realized she really didn’t have much to show. With only a pair of chairs in the living room, a few loose dishes and a table in the kitchen and a rather plain almost unused bathroom, she only had the bedroom left. Even it was nearly empty, with only her bed and an armoire she brought up from Guadalajara.

That wasn’t the problem though. Suddenly she found herself alone with Sessily in the bedroom. Rosa didn’t know how to escape the awkward situation. She didn’t even know if she wanted that. She felt the heat radiate off Sessily as they stood side by side, only a few inches from one another.

“I guess, that’s really it,” Rosa said. “Sorry, it’s not much.”

“It’s lovely,” Sessily said. “Simple. It’s clear you haven’t been in town long.”

“This is true. I moved here only a little over a week ago.”

“Where from? Somewhere in Mexico I’m guessing.”

“Guadalajara. It was my home since I was born. I just—I realized I had no reason to stay there any longer. I decided I wanted to move north of the border. Mi madre was born in Texas and she had me in a hospital just north of the border. So I technically was already a citizen. Made the move easy, even if American immigration are rude as heck.”

“I wouldn’t know. But I can believe it.” She turned towards Rosa. Though she was a foot away, Rosa couldn’t decide if she wanted to push Sessily away or draw her closer. “Do you have any plans here in River City? Any goals?”

“Not really,” Rosa said. “Get a job so I don’t have to live off what little savings I have. Try to figure out what I want to do with my life now that I’m not dressing up in spandex every day.”

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