Saturday, September 5, 2015

River City History: The threat of MEDUSA

Yankee Doodle Jones would equate himself for months as a daring agent for the Allies in the early days of the war. But like his predecessor, the monster of Frankenstein, his mental stability would not last.

As war loomed closer, Yankee Doodle Jones and Dandy uncovered a specially designed unit of Fifth Columnists known as MEDUSA (Military Echelon for the Downfall of the United States of America). They fought the agents of MEDUSA for much of 1942.

Whether by the nature of his multiple bodies or as a result of Stein’s serum, Yankee Doodle Jones grew more and more paranoid about MEDUSA’s activities. He started to see Nazi agents in everything, from street crime to inside the police precincts. He became increasingly distant from Dandy as his paranoia increased, even accusing his young ally of being a Fifth Columnist himself.

Dandy would start to work less and less with his partner. Uncle Sam assigned him to a new unit alongside Georgia hero Johnny Rebel and the New York based Yankee Boy.  As the Young Americans they would become a popular group working to build support for the Allied soldiers while also working as crime-fighters and attempting to uncover the masterminds behind MEDUSA. By mid-1943, Dandy would leave River City and Yankee Doodle Jones permanently to work with the Young Americans. The unit, soon joined by Nathan Hale and Canadian heroine Jetgirl would work together regularly well into their twenties and the next decade.

Jones remained in River City though, intent on rooting out MEDUSA where it originated—and everywhere else as well. The massacre of three off-duty River City police officers and their wives in early 1944 would be the last straw. His paranoia had morphed into a murderous rage that threatened everyone in the city. The city’s other heroes would have to unite to defeat the super-powered threat.

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