Saturday, December 12, 2015

Walking Shadows Book 3 Chapter 12-4

Rosa found her burrito still waiting for her, a thankful sight after the strange arrival of Mel. After the both sat down, she quickly introduced Mel to Keith before going back to her food. While she wasn’t quite sure what to think about this beautiful woman suddenly inserting herself into the day, she couldn’t quite be sure whether it bothered her or intrigued her.

Mel leaned on both hands as she took in Keith. “So, what do you do for a living, Keith?”

“I’m a police officer, miss. I’m off duty today, but that doesn’t mean I care for trouble like you seemed to be causing.”

“My apologies. I am new to the area and wasn’t really familiar with the local cuisine.”

“Where are you from that doesn’t have burritos? Timbuktu?”

She shrugged. “Close enough. Rhode Island.”

Chewing the food in her mouth quickly, Rosa realized Keith was far from happy with the new arrival. “Rhode Island, huh? I just had some friends come back from there. Very small state, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” Mel said. She glanced Rosa’s way, but seemed to clearly not be happy about the interruption of her flirtation. “It is a small state.”

“The smallest,” Keith added. “Tell me what brings you to River City, Mel?”

“I have family here. I had a falling out with my parents and thought it was prudent if I relocated. I just scored a job here, so I’m sure everything will fall into place just fine for me here. I have a way of making sure I get what I want.”

“I’m sure.” Keith glanced towards Rosa. Rosa only shrugged. She didn’t know what else to say.

Turning back to Mel, Keith said, “where is it you’re working, Mel?”

“Oh, it’s right down the street, Keith. You should come stop in some time. I suspect you will like what you see. I’m over at Lumber Jacks down the street.”

“Lumber Jacks? You mean the strip club?”

Rosa coughed and gagged on the water she was sipping. I invited a stripper to a lunch with my boyfriend. Am I a complete idiot?

“Of course,” Melinoe said. “I’ll be starting as a feature there tonight. I’m sure I can get you in if you’re interested, Keith.”

“That’s very generous, Mel, but I don’t generally frequent such places. Unless I get a call for some kind of trouble in the parking lot.”

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