Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Walking Shadows Book 3 Chapter 12-5

The conversation paused as a server brought Mel her food. It hissed still on the plate from the heat. The smells hit Rosa’s nose and made her contemplate buying a replacement for her own burrito which was nearly gone. If it didn’t mean leaving Mel with Keith, she would have.

“Come now,” Mel said. “I don’t think with a young lady clearly as talented as Rosa here, you need to visit a place like Lumber Jacks to fill your time. But come now, I have doubts you can say you’ve never been inside such a place. Not a red blooded American male like yourself.”


Mel laughed. “As I thought. Nothing to be ashamed of, is it, Rosa?”

“I guess not,” Rosa said. “I don’t know much—”

“Exactly. There’s nothing wrong with young men and young women enjoying each other’s company, nor is there anything wrong with my choice of profession. I think both of you would have a great time. Perhaps you should stop in tonight.”

Keith threw up his hand. “I don’t think that would be—”

“Maybe it would be fun,” Rosa said. “I’ve never been to a place like this Lumber Jacks. We could go together.”

Keith studied her, his eyebrows slightly raised, as if he was studying her response. Rosa wondered if she had overstepped the bounds of their relationship. She wasn’t even sure if it was a relationship really. She liked Keith, but so far most of their contact had been physical. And while he seemed like a nice guy, she wanted more than that in a significant other.

Mel laughed aloud. “You are both far too uptight! I think you need to loosen up! Come out, have a drink and a good time.”

She ripped into the burrito and started to eat. She gave a nodding approval at her simplified version of the dish.

“Well?” Rosa said. “Do you want to? I mean we don’t have to, but it might be a fun date.”

“Yeah, I guess. I have to say that isn’t where I expected to take you out to for our first night out.”

Rosa smiled. “I guess I’m a bit more full of surprises than I look.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Mel interjected as she picked up her burrito. “I think you are both full of surprises. See you tonight.”

Both Rosa and Keith could only watch as the raven haired beauty sauntered out of Rey’s and back onto the street.

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