Saturday, January 9, 2016

River City History: The Red Hawk takes control!

When he returned to the United States, his anger brought him easily under the sway of “Duke” Angelosetti. His services quickly made him a favorite of the Duke, but Redhawk had far more aspirations than his boss could imagine. As he consolidated power under the Duke, he also taught everyone to fear him specifically. Redhawk’s cunning mind knew this meant that he was the true power behind the Duke’s rise.

The Duke died in 1949 of an apparent heart attack. The crime boss was only forty-three, but weighed nearly four hundred pounds. Because of these facts, it is still hard to determine whether his death was truly natural or the result of poisoning. Whatever the case, his death left a void in the city’s underworld which Redhawk quickly stepped in to fill.

Whether or not, Redhawk actually wanted the position as crime boss of the city is still a mystery, but he quickly took to the role far better than even his surrogate father. He consolidated control over the gangs and formed a hierarchy that would allow the various gangs to rule over the vices of the city while also controlling much of the police force. Under his sway, money rolled in through businesses both legitimate and illegal, making hundreds of former legmen very rich.

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